Snyder Of Berlin® Original Potato Chips 9.5 Oz. Bag

Ohiopyle Falls . Youghiogheny River 38 Miles from Snyder of Berlin "Yough" rhymes with "rock." Those rocks, which litter the Youghiogheny River, provide some of the best whitewater in the eastern united states. The river cuts a 1,700-fat-deep gorge through laurel and Chestnut ridges. Nearby sections drop the river level over 150 feet per mile. At the tiny town of Ohiopyle, the rushing river drops 20 feet over a wide sandstone ledge. During special events. Ohiopyle Falls is open to thrill-seeking kayakers. Below the Falls, the natural river continues its swift descent with numerous class III and IV rapids that make for exciting rafting. Our home of Berlin, Pennsylvania, is a model of small-town America and indeed, Somerset County is known as "America's County." Since 1947, Snyder of Berlin has been an active member of the community and region, and we are proud as share part of it with you. Thins & Crispy Greetings from Pennsylvania's Laurel Highlands! Grown to be Loved Gluten Free Grown To Be Loved® Since 1947 Registered Penna Dept of Agriculture